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MAOF 2019 Title Media Sponsor: GEAR PATROL

Main Line Overland and the Mid-Atlantic Overland Festival are excited to announce that GEAR PATROL will be returning for the third year running as Title Media Sponsor of MAOF 2019. As Title Media Sponsor, GEAR PATROL will build on past years' efforts to educate their massive following about the learning opportunities at MAOF, sponsor our online giveaway leading up to the festival weekend (stay tuned for the announcement!), help with internet connectivity in our Festival Village, and participate in forums and workshops on a range of subjects thoughout the weekend.


And of course, they will sponsor our always killer Saturday Happy Hour!


GEAR PATROL will also act as Presenting Sponsor and Guest Jury of the MAOF Adventure Film Festival, our Saturday-night competition and showcase of overland travel films. *If you are attending MAOF and would like to compete for this year's prizes, submit your adventure travel films here.


 This year, GEAR PATROL will have items for sale from their newly launched GEAR PATROL Store, and will be gathering content for a special MAOF-themed episode of their hit weekly show, This Week In Gear. Come out to MAOF 2019 and meet the amiable folks behind this informative, gear-focused media outlet!